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Showing Tag: "the impact" (Show all posts)

'Daddy's Fort' Wins 'The Kim Wheeler Emotional Impact Award' at London Premiere of 'The Impact'

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Monday, June 6, 2022, In : Contests & Awards 
The London premiere of 'The Impact' was an emotional whirlwind of joy, love and gratitude ❤️ I finally got to see the movie on the big screen and the results far exceeded my expectations! There is SO much talent in this film, not just in the acting, but in the writing, direction, editing, production design, music, hair & makeup and costumes. Together, the cast and crew have made something incredibly unique, quirky and special, and we should all be extremely proud ✨️ Special snaps go out to my tea...
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'The Impact' Gets London Premiere at The Genesis Cinema

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, In : Events 
On May 31st, THE IMPACT, a movie that I co-wrote and co-produced, will finally get its London premiere at The Genesis Cinema in Whitechapel. Eight years in the making, this project has definitely been a labour of love for everyone involved, so I can't wait to see it on the big screen! To celebrate, here's a press release about my involvement in the movie...



Cera Rose Pickering’s project ‘Daddy’s Fort’ is part of th...

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Create 50 Winner!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, In : Screenwriting 
The winners of Create 50 - The Impact were announced yesterday and I'm pleased to say that my project 'Daddy's Fort' was one of the chosen scripts!

The 54 scripts in the final selection will now move forward into the filmmaking phase where producers and directors are invited to team up, chose a script and produce it. The best 50 films will then be selected for the final edit of the feature length movie which will be screened in UK cinemas.

Big congrats to my LSF friends who were among the sel...
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Create 50 Finalist!

Posted by Cera Rose Pickering on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, In : Screenwriting 
Excited to find out today that two of my short screenplays 'Plummet' and 'Daddy's Fort' have both made the finals for Create 50's latest project 'The Impact'!

Fingers crossed that one of these scripts makes it through to the final 50 which will be put forward for production for the final film :)

Well done to all the other finalists! Lots of talent in the group :)

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